Instructions to Authors - Reibs - Ινστιτούτο Ερευνας και Εκπαίδευσης στις Βιοϊατρικές Επιστήμες

Instructions to Authors

TOPICS IN BIOMEDICAL RESEARCH AND EDUCATION accepts submissions that are in keeping with the “Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts Submitted to Biomedical Journals”, as assessed by the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (please visit http:/ for the detailed document).

The following types of manuscripts are accepted for submission:

  1. Original research articles
  2. Systematic reviews with or without meta-analyses
  3. Case reports
  4. Invited reviews
  5. Editorials
  6. Letters to the Editor either addressing comments on articles published in the Journal or describing briefly observations or opinions on a topic of interest
  1. Images of substantial interest with brief description concerning rare diseases, unusual differential diagnosis queries, novel techniques etc.
  2. Invited debates
  3. Future insights
  4. Library (presentations in special topics to serve as free-access educational material)
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The submission of a manuscript predisposes that the work described:

– has not been published before (except in a form of an abstract or as a part of a published lecture, review or thesis),

– is not under consideration for publication elsewhere,

– includes prototype material for which permission has been obtained in case that it derives from other copyrighted sources,

– has been approved by all authors regarding content and transmission of full copyright to the publisher in case of publication. 

[tp_heading_title heading_style=”style_2″ title=”Conflict of interest” sub_title=”” title_h=”h3″ title_color=”#9e9e9e” title_align=”text-left” sub_color=”#cccccc”]

The authors should clearly state any conflict of interest using the form prepared by the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors. The form is freely downloadable at

[tp_heading_title heading_style=”style_2″ title=”Preparation of manuscripts” sub_title=”” title_h=”h3″ title_color=”#9e9e9e” title_align=”text-left” sub_color=”#cccccc”]

Each manuscript should be properly prepared using a word processor. The text should be double-spaced and margins at least 2.5 cm wide should be used from both sides. Pages should be numbered consecutively on their top right corner starting from 1, which represents the “Title page”. All Tables and Figures should be numbered using the order with which they appear in the text; an appropriate reference should be included in the text.

The “Title page” must include:

  • The title of the article
  • A short, running title of not more than 40 characters
  • Names and affiliations of all authors; first names should be typed in capital letters
  • Name of the corresponding author along with address, telephone number, and e-mail address.


The “Abstract” should be concise (up to 300 words), including Aims, methods, results, and conclusions. Three to five MESH terms should be provided to serve as keywords.

The main text (manuscript) should be prepared as follows:

  • For Original research articles, up to 8,000 words including references, tables and figures.
  • For Systematic reviews with or without meta-analyses, up to 12,000 words including references, tables and figures.
  • For Case reports, up to 3,000 words including references, tables and figures.
  • For Invited reviews, up to 8,000 words including references, tables and figures.
  • For Editorials, up to 2,000 words.
  • For Letters to the Editor, up to 1,000 words including references plus an additional Table or Figure if it is considered absolutely necessary.
  • For Images of substantial interest, up to 1,000 words including references.
  • For Invited debates, up to 2,500 words for each participant (maximum 3).
  • For Future insights, up to 2,500 words including references, tables and figures.
  • For Library, electronic material in form of .ppt files.
  • References
  • References should be numbered consecutively throughout the text and referred in brackets.
  • References should be properly cited as follows:
  • Journal papers: Authors, title, journal, year, volume number, page numbers.
  • Books: Authors, title, editor(s), book, publisher, place of publication, year, and pages.


            Tables should be double-spaced and be accompanied by a brief, informative legend. Please avoid duplicate information already provided in the text.



            Figures should be provided as .tif files with at least 300 dpi analysis. The technical editor might ask for even better analysis in any case needed. Every figure should be accompanied by a brief, informative legend.


Supplementary material

            The Journal accepts publication of any relevant supplementary material (test with tables, figures, images or .xls files) in electronic form only.

[tp_heading_title heading_style=”style_2″ title=”Consent Forms” sub_title=”” title_h=”h3″ title_color=”#9e9e9e” title_align=”text-left” sub_color=”#cccccc”]

In case Reports written consent form from the patients is required. In research and clinical studies the project should be registered and consent form from the bioethical and scientific committee should be submitted.