Hernia management through the ages: an evolutionary journey from ancient times to modern innovations

Case Report Hernia management through the ages: an evolutionary journey from ancient times to modern innovations Dimosthenis Papadimitrakis,1 Miltiadis Perdikakis,1 Dimitrios Filippou2,3 1 School of Medicine, National and Kapodestrian University of Athens, Athens, Greece 2 Research and Education Institute in Biomedical Sciences (REIBS), Pireaus-Athens, Greece 3 Dept. of Anatomy, School of Medicine, National and Kapodestrian …

Thyroidea-Ima Artery: Α case report

Case Report Thyroidea-Ima Artery: Α case report Sampsakos-Mariolis Theodoros1,2 Sinou Nikoleta3,4 Metheniti Panagiota1,2 Koumenis Andreas1,2 Sinou Natalia3,4 Filippou Dimitrios3,5 1 Department of Anatomy-Histology and Embryology, Nursing School, National and Kapodestrian University of Athens, Greece 2 Department of Surgery, Nursing School, Agii Anargiri Anticancer Hospital, Athens, Greece 3 Research and Education Institute in Biomedical Sciences, Pireaus, …

Injection of fentanyl patches – a deadly route

Case Series Injection of fentanyl patches – a deadly route Maria Tereza Siavou,1 Aliki Fiska,1 Maria Valeria Karakasi,2 Orthodoxia Mastrogianni,3 Amvrosios Orfanidis,4 Nikolaos Raikos,4 Pavlos Pavlidis2 1 Laboratory of Anatomy, School of Medicine, Democritus University of Thrace, 2 Laboratory of Forensic Sciences, School of Medicine, Democritus University of Thrace 3 Toxicology Laboratory of Forensic Service …

Covid-19 outbreak reminds of personal accounts providing a story of pandemic flu 1918 individual suffering

Review Article Covid-19 outbreak reminds of personal accounts providing a story of pandemic flu 1918 individual suffering Antonia Kotsiou RMicrobiology Dpt & Aretaieio University Hospital, School of Medicine, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Athens Greece, email: akotsiou@med.uoa.gr Running Title: Flu 1918, Individual Suffering Stories Abstract Aims: This review aims at investigating personal stories of …

Unlocking Hope: Rare Diseases and the Promise of Orphan Drugs

Editorial Unlocking Hope: Rare Diseases and the Promise of Orphan Drugs Dimitrios Filippou Research and Education Institute in Biomedical Sciences (REIBS), Pireaus-Athens, Greece School of Medicine, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Athens, Greece National Organization for Medicines (EOF), Athens, Greece Rare diseases, also known as orphan diseases, may have a limited impact on individuals, …

Hernia management through the ages: an evolutionary journey from ancient times to modern innovations

Dimosthenis Papadimitrakis,1 Miltiadis Perdikakis,1 Dimitrios Filippou2,3 1 School of Medicine, National and Kapodestrian University of Athens, Athens, Greece 2 Research and Education Institute in Biomedical Sciences (REIBS), Pireaus-Athens, Greece 3 Dept. of Anatomy, School of Medicine, National and Kapodestrian University of Athens, Athens, Greece Correspondence Address: Dimosthenis Papadimitrakis, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens School …

Thyroidea-Ima Artery: Α case report

Sampsakos-Mariolis Theodoros1,2 Sinou Nikoleta3,4 Metheniti Panagiota1,2 Koumenis Andreas1,2 Sinou Natalia3,4 Filippou Dimitrios3,5   1 Department of Anatomy-Histology and Embryology, Nursing School, National and Kapodestrian University of Athens, Greece 2 Department of Surgery, Nursing School, Agii Anargiri Anticancer Hospital, Athens, Greece 3 Research and Education Institute in Biomedical Sciences, Pireaus, Greece 4 Medical School, National and …

Injection of fentanyl patches – a deadly route

Maria Tereza Siavou,1 Aliki Fiska,1 Maria Valeria Karakasi,2 Orthodoxia Mastrogianni,3 Amvrosios Orfanidis,4 Nikolaos Raikos,4 Pavlos Pavlidis2                                        1 Laboratory of Anatomy, School of Medicine, Democritus University of Thrace, 2 Laboratory of Forensic Sciences, School of Medicine, Democritus University of Thrace 3 Toxicology Laboratory of Forensic Service of Thessaloniki, Ministry of Justice 4 Laboratory of Forensic …

Covid-19 outbreak reminds of personal accounts providing a story of pandemic flu 1918 individual suffering

Antonia  Kotsiou                                          Microbiology Dpt  & Aretaieio University Hospital, School of Medicine, National  and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Athens Greece, email: akotsiou@med.uoa.gr  Running Title: Flu 1918, Individual Suffering Stories Keywords: pandemic, flu virus, humanitarian crisis Abstract Aims: This  review aims at investigating personal stories of ordinary people who faced the deadly flu 1918, dealing with …

Unlocking Hope: Rare Diseases and the Promise of Orphan Drugs

Dimitrios FilippouResearch and Education Institute in Biomedical Sciences (REIBS), Pireaus-Athens, GreeceSchool of Medicine, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Athens, GreeceNational Organization for Medicines (EOF), Athens, Greece Rare diseases, also known as orphan diseases, may have a limited impact on individuals, but their collective effect is felt by millions worldwide. These diseases are considered rare …